Product Descriptions
Discovery Kit
Provide your small group leaders with everything they need to reach their corner of campus! Discovery Kits are designed to equip student leaders to gather up to 10 friends to inductively explore a book of the Bible and discover God together.
Discovery Guide (1 Guide)
This 8-week inductive Bible study guide is designed to help your students lead both inside and outside of their small group with coaching prompts built into each week. See a preview of Study One: Preview Mark | Study One
Scripture Handouts (10 Handouts per Study)
Help your leaders avoid the printer and focus on their friends! Each study includes 10 Scripture handouts for everyone to engage.
Call to Faith Response Cards (10 Cards)
Make your small groups missional! Every Discovery Study includes a call to faith built into one of the studies so that everyone has an opportunity to respond to Jesus each study.
Pens (10 Pens)
Every kit includes 10 InterVarsity branded pens.
Bookmarks (10 Bookmarks)
Every kit includes 10 InterVarsity Bible Study Bookmarks.
Leader Thank You Card (1 Card)
Thank your current Ministry Partners and develop future ones with one card! These cards provide a natural opportunity to share with your Ministry Partners, enable your student leaders to express their gratitude, and envision them for becoming future partners as alumni.
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